Systems Summer School™ - Refresh

Systems Summer School™ Refresh, Refine, Revive your business in 3 weeks Refresh your Foundation Around here, standing on business means boundaries are defined and inform policies and processes, and those things come from what you want. Before you get into Your Offers and Your Processes, take some time to refresh your starting point - Your Self Your Dreams Think about what you want, without restriction or judgment. They don’t have to make sense. Your Goals Your goals are derived from ...

3 SOPs to Add to Your Business Today

SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) may seem like a PITA, until you need them or the lack of them start costing you money. Start on them now

Protect Your Neck - Email Edition

Don't tie your digital life together with just one or two email addresses, because if something goes awry, your digital life is in danger.

5 Ways to Prep Your Biz for Mercury Retrograde

No need to be afraid of Mercury Retrograde. Organization and preparation help to make any hiccups that do occur easier to deal with, no matter which planet is turning direct or retrograding.  


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